Real Estate Photography

We live and die by definitions sometimes, so here are two to consider. Real Estate Photography is used to highlight the value of a property, and Architectural Photography is used to highlight the features of a property. Sometimes the lines get a bit blurry in these definitions, but Realtors often are the primary consumer of professional real estate photography for use in advertising residential listings. Architectural photographs are often used in Lifestyle and Architectural Digest type of publications.
For over 25 years I have been photographing and appraising residential, commercial and ranch properties along the Central Coast of California. I am a state certified general appraiser, a certified photographer and aerial photographer.
Please see my new Aerial Photography Page
Please visit my Real Estate Portfolio

Sometimes real estate photography is easy with our new modern cameras. Sometimes not so much. The sun always seems to be in the wrong place, the rooms have dark corners and bright colors, there is not enough room to get that wide angle shot and the client wants that ocean view to shine through the window. This is where a professional, experienced photographer can help.
Often the only way to preserve the color and architecture of a room and show the beautiful window views is to use multiple off-camera flashes. But, its harder than it looks. I spent the better part of two years reading and practicing the techniques of Scott Hargiss in Lighting Interiors before I could comfortably get this shot of a dining nook overlooking Monterey Bay.
“High dynamic range“, or “HDR” is the blending of multiple photographs to balance the light and dark areas of a photograph. Have you ever taken an image in a dark room with bright window? That is where HDR can help. However, HDR can often produce muted colors and grungy looking walls; these photos must be taken and processed correctly or the photos can look a bit cartoonish.
“High definition” has come to mean many things, and the term gets a bit jumbled in its use. A high definition or “HD” image is any image that can remain clear when printed in large format or when viewed full-screen or at 100% on a monitor. “HD” has also come to describe video taken at “1080p” resolution or an image printed at HD format such as 1920 ×1080 pixels.
Why Hire a Photographer?
Many of my clients are very good photographers, so why do they call me? Because I can produce good results quickly and efficiently while the client concentrates on their important business! We each have our “core competencies” in our work and that is where we spend most of our efforts. In speaking to my clients the two most common reasons given for hiring a professional photographer are more exposure for the property, and as a listing tool to show prospective clients.
Reason #1: Higher Sale Price
Redfin just completed a survey and found that homes with quality professional photography sell for 1/2% to 1% more than home with non-professional looking photos. This does not sound like a lot, but this brings in $3,400 to $11,200 more in sales price in the $200,000 to $1 million range, and a good chunk of that money ends up in the Realtors pockets as commissions.
Reason #2: A Great Listing Tool
We all need to stand out among our competitors, right? If you are a listing agent the services you provide are front and center when speaking to a potential client. Providing quality professional photography, and then placing those photos in an on-line environment that provides the highest exposure possible will go a long way to help you close that deal. As an independent photographer my photography is used on the MLS as well as many virtual tour systems. However, I am a certified photographer with with TourFactory; this company provides beautiful tour templates and robust search engine optimization and syndication.
Click here to a few of my TourFactory Virtual Tours
Small Business Owners

I have owned and operated my business for over 20 years, and am past president of our local Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club. This experience has put me in the heart of small business in our community, and I am well versed in the challenges of running a small business.
In my day to day photography work, I often find that most small business owners need help with web page and social media sites. I have the same issues! My solution has been to reach out to local web and technology businesses to handle all the “tech stuff.” In the process I have built a network of technology professionals that can provide web and social media services to my photography clients.
Please view samples of my Google Map Virtual Tours
For Help with your web and social media needs contact Phil Fisk of Coastline Marketing Group here
(photo credit steve loos photography)